Canada Goose

Bird Spotting: When you think of geese, the Canadian variety probably comes to mind. These large water birds are endemic to North America and their V-shaped migratory formations can be seen in the skies each fall and spring. The long black neck and head sits atop a sturdy body that is mostly brown with light tan to cream breast feathers. A white chinstrap stands out against the black head and neck.

Habitat: Canadian geese can be found in a variety of surroundings, from the tundra to prairies and especially near lakes, bays, rivers and marshes. Recently, some populations have taken up residence in urban areas.


Nesting: Four to eight creamy white eggs are laid in a large nest cup constructed of grass and lined with feathers. Nests are usually placed on the ground near a water source.

Bird Bite: The size and color of Canadian geese can change according to their location. In general, birds are smaller the more northern their home and darker the farther west they move.


