Blue Jay

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Bird Spotting: Crest, back and tail feathers of the blue jay are a bright blue. The chest is white and black stripes pattern the wings, tail and face.

Habitat: The blue jay can be seen roaming the skies in deciduous forests, but is also a common sight in city parks and back yards.


Nesting: Four to six brown-spotted greenish eggs are laid each season. Their nests are constructed of sticks and lined with grass.

Bird Bite: Blue jays often bury seeds and acorns as a hedge against long winters. Those buried treasures not retrieved grow into trees and become the blue jay's contribution to the environment.

Backyard Tip: Blue jays frequent bird feeders, especially if oak trees are nearby. Highly territorial, they tend to chase smaller birds away from feeders, and for this reason, have gotten a reputation as the bully on the block. Preferred nesting sites are the eastern hemlock and the dense forked branches of hawthorns.


