12 Most Expensive Dog Breeds: From Akitas to Samoyeds

By: Yara Simón  | 
The Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog breed in the world. Tatyana Kuznetsova / Shutterstock

Have you ever wondered why some purebred dogs come with a price tag higher than an international flight?

Those fancy pedigrees are pretty loaded; some of the most expensive dog breeds are rare, historic or have special skills, like hunting dogs that can track wild boar or a lion dog that once roamed royal palaces.


But before you start saving up for a four-legged investment, keep in mind that the initial cost is just the beginning. These pups often rack up major pet insurance claims and require specialized care. With all that in mind, here are the 12 priciest pooches in the world.

1. Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiffs
Tibetan Mastiffs. Tkachuk Alexandr / Shutterstock

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest and rarest breeds, originally bred to guard livestock in the Himalayas. One of these fluffy giants once sold for nearly $2 million in China, making it the most expensive dog ever.


2. Canadian Eskimo Dog

Canadian Eskimo Dog
Canadian Eskimo Dog. Layne Kennedy / Getty Images

A true rarity, the Canadian Eskimo Dog is nearly extinct, with about 300 left worldwide. These strong, sled-pulling dogs are a part of Arctic history, but their numbers dwindled after the rise of snowmobiles. Because they're such a rare breed, breeders charge top dollar for these winter warriors.


3. Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound. Natallia Yaumenenka / Shutterstock

With its flowing, silky coat and regal posture, the Afghan Hound looks like it just walked off a fashion runway.

But beauty comes at a cost: The lifetime cost of these elegant hounds can be tens of thousands of dollars. These dogs have some of the highest pet insurance claims due to genetic health issues. Plus, grooming them is practically a full-time job.


4. Pharaoh Hound

Pharaoh Hound
Pharaoh Hound. Hanna Dymytrova-kaihila / Shutterstock

One of the oldest breeds, the Pharaoh Hound is a rabbit dog from Malta that dates back thousands of years. These sleek, athletic pups once hunted small game in rocky landscapes. Today, their rarity and stunning, amber-colored coat make them one of the most expensive dog breeds.


5. Chow Chow

Chow Chow
Chow Chow. Sue Thatcher / Shutterstock

With its thick, lion-like mane and powerful build, the Chow Chow is one of the world's oldest breeds. Originally bred in China as guard dogs and hunting dogs, these fluffy companions now fetch a price tag of $3,000 or more — and this doesn't include their high grooming costs.


6. Löwchen

Löwchen. Cat Dana / Shutterstock

The Löwchen, whose name means "little lion" in German, has been a status symbol for centuries. With fewer than a few hundred puppies born each year, the Löwchen is a rare breed. Expect to pay upward of $8,000 for this tiny, fluffy pup.


7. Samoyed

Samoyed with puppy
Samoyed with puppy. elenaleonova / Getty Images

These snow-white, smiling fluff balls were originally bred in Siberia to herd reindeer and pull sleds. A well-bred Samoyed can cost about $8,000, partly due to their rarity and high demand. Plus, that signature "Samoyed smile" is priceless.


8. Rottweiler

Rottweiler. Mary Swift / Shutterstock

While Rottweilers are generally a more common breed, high-quality bloodlines can cost over $9,000. These muscular protectors originally herded cattle and pulled carts for butchers.


9. South Indian Hounds

South Indian Hound
South Indian Hound. Justin_shutterstock / Shutterstock

Bred for speed and endurance, South Indian Hounds once hunted wild hogs and deer. This group includes breeds like the Rajapalayam and Kanni, both of which are rare outside of India.


10. Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino
Dogo Argentino. Rafal Rutkowski / Shutterstock

The Dogo Argentino was bred for big-game hunting. These powerful, all-white dogs are fearless, fast and require experienced owners. Their rarity outside Argentina makes them one of the most expensive dog breeds to import.

11. Akita

Akita. vladislav teplukhin / Getty Images

Originating in Japan, the Akita is a symbol of loyalty and strength. These dignified dogs are popular worldwide, but purebred Akitas from Japan can cost $3,000 or more. They require consistent training and socialization, making them a big commitment for any owner.

12. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard. Purple Collar Pet Photography / Getty Images

Despite their history as heroic rescue dogs in the Alps, Saint Bernards are one of the most expensive breeds to care for. They may not cost as much upfront as some rarer breeds, but their size means higher food bills, medical costs and pet insurance claims. Still, who can resist that droopy, lovable face?

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

