How Long Do Roosters Live?

By: Karina Ryan  | 
The lifespan of a chicken varies from two to 12 years, depending on the breed. FredFroese / Getty Images

Chickens typically live 5 to 10 years, which might be bad news if you have an undesired cock-a-doodle-doo alarm and are groggily wondering, "How long do roosters live?"

But if you are raising chickens (which includes roosters), the goods news is that there are steps you can take to extend their lifespan.


Chicken Lifespans for 11 Common Breeds

Here are some of the most common chicken breeds and their average lifespans.

  1. Isa Browns: 2 to 3 years
  2. Leghorn: 4 to 6 years
  3. Rhode Island Red: 5 to 8 years
  4. Swedish Flower Hens: 6 to 8 years
  5. Australorp: 6 to 10 years
  6. Wyandotte: 6 to 12 years
  7. Silkie: 7 to 9 years
  8. Cochin: 8 to 10 years
  9. Easter Eggers: 8 to 10 years
  10. Orpington: 8 to 10 years
  11. Plymouth Rock: 8 to 10 years


Rooster vs. Hen Lifespan

Roosters and hens of the same breed typically have nearly the same life expectancy, with roosters averaging 5 to 8 years. However, several factors affect the average lifespan where laying hens and production chicken breeds living in rural areas around predators.

Even expensive heritage breeds make easy prey animals, and it is typically the rooster's responsibility to protect the flock from would-be predators. This instinct normally kicks in when the chickens start laying eggs and roost to keep them warm.


Although ferocious fighters, there are times when even the toughest rooster is outmatched by a desperate fox or coyote. These battles can cut roosters' lifespans short. Still, there are many instances where a resilient rooster may outlive their hens since they avoid the exertion a dual-purpose chicken experiences producing eggs every week.

Raising chickens for eggs, meat, or as a clucking family pet has become increasingly popular. Understanding chicken lifespan allows for preparation for each life stage to help them thrive during their hopefully decade-long happy life.


4 Biggest Factors That Affect a Chicken’s Lifespan

A chicken's breed, genetics, hereditary diseases, environmental conditions, predator risks, diet and daily care all affect its lifespan. Proper care and nourishment can help hybrid chickens live long and healthy lives.

Chickens die from natural causes, injury or disease, but well-cared-for chickens have a much better chance of survival. On the other hand, factors such as fast growth, high production demands and poor genetics can shorten a chicken’s lifespan.


1. Genetics and Breed

Some breeds, particularly heritage or dual-purpose breeds, are known to have the longest natural lifespans due to their good genetics and adaptability. In contrast, commercial production breeds, often bred to mature early and focus on high egg production or meat yield, may have shorter lifespans due to their intensive breeding practices and genetic predispositions.

By choosing breeds with robust health traits and good genetics, poultry keepers can potentially extend their chickens' lives, ensuring they enjoy a longer, healthier existence. Certain hybrid breeds are bred for specific traits, including increased lifespan.

Landrace Chickens

Landrace chicken breeds have evolved naturally in specific geographic regions, adapting to the local environment and conditions. Unlike commercial breeds, often developed through selective breeding for specific traits, landrace chickens have developed unique characteristics based on their natural surroundings and traditional farming practices.

These breeds are typically hardier, more resilient and better suited to their local climates and conditions. Examples of landrace chicken breeds include the Swedish Landrace, known for its adaptability and good egg production, and the Icelandic chicken, recognized for its robust health and ability to thrive in harsh weather conditions.

Landrace breeds often possess a high degree of genetic diversity, which can contribute to their overall health and longevity.

2. Diet and Nutrition

As is the case for us humans, the quality of a chicken’s diet will directly impact its health and, ultimately, its lifespan. A balanced diet for optimal health includes a mix of high-quality commercial feed formulated specifically for chickens, which provides essential proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Backyard chickens benefit from a diet that incorporates grains, legumes, vegetables, and a small amount of fruit, along with access to fresh water at all times. Proper nutrition supports a strong immune system, promotes healthy growth, and improves egg production and overall vitality.

3. Living Conditions

Chickens raised in cramped or unsanitary environments may experience a shorter lifespan, due to increased stress and disease exposure. For production breeds, which are often kept in more intensive settings, the lack of space and fresh air can lead to health problems and potentially cause chickens to die prematurely.

Conversely, chickens that have access to a spacious yard and a clean, well-ventilated area tend to thrive and enjoy longer, healthier lives.

For those who keep chickens as family pets, providing optimal living conditions is essential to ensure they live their best and fullest lives. This includes outdoor chicken housing that also provides adequate protection from predators.

4. Health Care

Regular veterinary care is essential for diagnosing and treating illnesses that can otherwise shorten a chicken's life. By providing a balanced diet and timely medical attention, human intervention helps chickens develop a strong immune system.


A Chicken's 'Productive' Lifespan

When discussing the productive lifespan of chickens, it's important to distinguish between the notion of years lived and years spent laying eggs.

A chicken's lifespan refers to the total number of years it can live, which generally ranges from 6 to 12 years depending on breed and care. On the other hand, a productive lifespan specifically addresses the period during which a chicken remains at its peak in egg production. This period can be significantly shorter than its overall lifespan.


Commercial Egg Layers

For most chickens, particularly commercial egg layers, the productive lifespan typically hovers around 2 to 3 years. During this time, hens are most prolific in their egg-laying, providing a steady supply of eggs.

However, egg production slows after this peak period. Beyond this timeframe, the egg production rate diminishes, and hens may eventually stop laying altogether. This decline is a natural part of aging, even though the hen may continue to live for several more years.

Dual-purpose and Heritage Breeds

In contrast, dual-purpose and heritage chicken breeds — which are often kept by backyard chickens enthusiasts and free-range chickens owners — tend to have a longer productive lifespan.

These breeds, such as the Australorp or the Rhode Island Red, are valued as both egg layers and as meat birds. While they may not lay eggs as intensely as commercial egg layers during their productive years, their longer productive lifespan can offer a more extended period of usefulness for both egg and meat production.


3 Basic Chicken Life Stages

Throughout their lives, chickens undergo significant changes from the fragile chick stage to their mature years and eventual old age. Each stage requires tailored care to ensure their well-being and to adapt to their evolving roles within a flock.

1. Chick Stage

The chick stage is the earliest and most vulnerable period in a chicken’s life, encompassing the first few weeks after hatching.


During this critical phase, chicks require specific care to ensure proper growth and development. They need a consistent source of warmth, typically provided by heat lamps, to maintain their body temperature.

Additionally, chicks require a special diet designed to meet their nutritional needs. Due to their high vulnerability, extra care is essential to protect chicks from potential hazards and ensure they grow into healthy birds.

2. Pullet/Hen and Cockerel/Rooster Stage

As chicks mature, they enter the pullet/hen and cockerel/rooster stage. Pullets, which are young hens, usually begin laying eggs around 5 to 6 months of age, signaling their transition into their productive phase. They will start egg production during this period, making them an essential part of any backyard flock or commercial setup.

On the other hand, cockerels, the young male chickens, start crowing and exhibiting more pronounced rooster behaviors during this time. This stage is marked by visible physical development as chickens develop feathers and reach sexual maturity.

Young hens and roosters are in their prime, with pullets at their most productive in egg laying and cockerels often used for meat production.

3. Elder Stage

As older hens experience a decline in health, typically around 5 to 7 years, they enter the elder stage. During this time, egg production slows considerably, and many hens may eventually stop laying eggs altogether.

Despite this decline, elder chickens should be allowed to enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. They require less intensive care than their younger counterparts, as they no longer need the same level of attention for egg or meat production. This stage can also see variations in the rooster's lifespan, as older roosters may become less active.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.


