7 of the World's Smallest Dog Breeds

By: Laurie L. Dove  | 
smallest dogs
Thought to have originated in Mexico, though some origin theories place them first in Malta or China, the Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world. SmileonBow/Shutterstock

Some of the world's smallest dog breeds play the largest role in our lives. With their expressive faces and adorable antics — not to mention the extensive wardrobe possibilities — it is hard for many people to imagine life without a tiny dog.

Small dogs live 12 to 14 years on average, which is longer than many larger dogs. In general, tiny dog breeds require less food, which can make them less expensive (although grooming fees may balance out potential meal savings). It's important to note, however, that bringing home a tiny dog breed isn't only a matter of dollars and cents. For many people, the love and joy given by small dogs, whether it is chasing a toy or snuggling on a warm lap, is the most important consideration.


So, what are the smallest dog breeds in the world? There are dozens of small dog breeds, but here, in no particular order, are seven of the most popular, including one small dog breed that earned official status in 2022.

Russian Toy

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Russian Toys are smart and love to play, making them excellent pets. Vivienstock/Shutterstock

In 2022, the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the Russian Toy dog by granting it official breed status. The small breed, although it can have either short or long hair, is known for its large and upright ears that sport long silky hair. The ears, which can look a bit like pony tails, accentuate the breed's ebony gumdrop noses and round eyes. Russian Toy dogs grow to a height of up to 11 inches (28 centimeters) and weigh a mere 6.5 pounds (3 kilograms) at the most, but they make up for their small size with a sizeable intelligence and are generally easy to train. These tiny pups, finally recognized by the American Kennel Club, make great family pets, as likely to enjoy chasing thrown toys in the backyard as they are lounging in a lap. Their coats range from beautifully foxlike red sables and browns to black and tan.



smallest dogs
Maltese dogs have a delicate appeareance that belies their hardiness and athleticism. Tanya Dol/Shutterstock

Maltese, weighing up to 7 pounds (3.17 kilograms) and standing up to 9 inches (23 centimeters) tall, are known for their flowing white hair-like fur. Their show-stopping white coats make them appear luxurious, and their obsidian eyes and ebony button noses add to their charm, so it's little wonder Roman Empire aristocrats bred them as both a status symbol and fashionable companion. Today, Maltese still sport their flowing white coats, but also may have fur in white and lemon, or white and tan. Despite their delicate appearance, Maltese are hardy dogs that make great watchdogs and adept athletes who often compete on agility courses. Light sleepers may not be fans of what some describe as excessive barking, but the same quality makes the small breed a good watch dog.



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Chihuahuas are so small and delicate that they don't make great pets for children. PITAKSUNTI/Shutterstock

The title of smallest dog breed in the world goes to the Chihuahua, weighing in at a maximum of 6 pounds (2.7 kilograms). The chihuahua average height is 9 inches (23 centimeters). Their delicate bone structure doesn't make them an ideal pet for children because the dogs are prone to injury when not handled gently. Chihuahuas have either short coats or long coats, but all have distinctive and alert ears, and large eyes. These loyal and lively dogs — they have huge personalities and love to play with their fellow Chihuahuas — can have a solid coat ranging from black to white and red to tan, or they can have a combination of two colors. The breed is widely thought to have originated in the area for which it is named: Chihuahua, Mexico. However, alternate origin theories abound, with some believing the tiny dogs were brought from Malta by Spanish conquistadors or were first spotted in China.



smallest dogs
Pomeranians are friendly, loyal and inquisitive lap dogs — they were a favorite of England's Queen Victoria. barinovalena/Shutterstock

Pomeranians are a toy breed named for the region in which the breed originated, namely northeastern Europe in what is now Poland and western Germany. Poms, as they are often called, came into popularity as the preferred pet of England's Queen Victoria (1819-1901) and have become alert, loyal and friendly additions to households all over the world. Pomeranians are the miniaturized descendants of spitz dog breeds once bred to work in the snow, such as the Akita, Alaskan Malamute and Samoyed. Their delicate faces have a foxlike appearance and their curled tails emphasize their inquisitive natures. These diminutive dogs stand up to 11 inches (28 centimeters) in height and weigh from 3 to 7 pounds (2.7 to 3.17 kilograms), with thick and fluffy coats in black, white, red, orange, brindle or any variation thereof.


Shih Tzu

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Shih Tzus are affectionate and dignified, a historical favorite among Chinese emporers and their families. Angel LeBlanc/Shutterstock

Originally bred to warm the laps of royals and emperors, the dignified and affectionate Shih Tzu has become one of the world's most popular toy breeds. Imperial dog-keepers originally developed the small breed Shih Tzu (which means "lion dog") for Chinese emperors and their families. The outgoing breed was largely kept behind palace walls until the 1930s, when breeders in China and England first grew pocket populations of them. Weighing up to 16 pounds (7 kilograms) and standing up to 11 inches tall (28 centimeters tall), these beautifully long-coated dogs with large, expressive eyes and mischievous personalities, continue to be favored over other dogs in pet-loving families.


Yorkshire Terrier

smallest dogs
Yorkshire terriers, also known as Yorkies, are tenacious and brave, but also affectionate and loving, making them great little pets. Jagodka/Shutterstock

At a full-grown height of merely 8 inches (20 centimeters), the Yorkshire terrier has a surprisingly brave attitude — including this dog that bravely confronted a coyote to protect his 10-year-old owner. Weighing approximately 7 pounds (3.17 kilograms), Yorkies, as they are commonly known, are affectionate and playful and enjoy a good cuddle sesh on the regular. Yorkshire terriers originated in England and were bred to be tenacious rodent hunters. Today, many Yorkies enjoy life as family pets, and because they are not tolerant of cold weather, can often be seen sporting stylish sweaters or coats.


Japanese Chin

smallest dogs
The Japanese Chin, known for its tiny size, was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1888. dien/Shutterstock

Loyal, affectionate and even-tempered? This may sound like the ideal description for a furry friend, but it also happens to encapsulate the chief characteristics of the Japanese Chin dog breed. Add friendly and smart to the list, and it certainly sounds like a companion for life, doesn't it? The Japanese Chin is small, weighing 4 to 9 pounds (1.8 to 4 kilograms), and the Japanese Chin average height is 11 inches (28 centimeters). It typically has a long, smooth coat that is sleek and shiny, exhibiting either black-and-white, lemon-and-white, sable-and-white or triplicate colors of black, tan and white. The breed is believed to have originated either in China or Korea more than 1,000 years ago and was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1888. Known for its cat-like qualities, floppy ears and flattened face, the Japanese Chin can often be found curled up in a soft lap awaiting affection.


