Locust vs. Grasshopper Traits and Behaviors

By: Mack Hayden  | 
You'll likely never see a swarm of grasshoppers, which is one way to tell that these are locusts. Berit Myrekrok / Getty Images

How do you identify a locust vs. grasshopper? They both belong to the grasshopper family (Acrididae), have powerful hind legs for jumping and share many physical traits. Despite their similarities, these two insects exhibit key behavioral and physiological differences that set them apart — especially when it comes to their ability to form massive, crop-devastating swarms.

Grasshoppers generally lead solitary lives, blending into their environments and posing minimal threat. Locusts, on the other hand, possess the remarkable ability to transform, both physically and behaviorally, in response to overcrowding.


This transformation, known as phase polyphenism, allows them to switch from a harmless, solitary existence to a gregarious, swarming phase, where they band together in immense numbers, capable of devastating agricultural landscapes.

What Are Locusts?

Locust. Paul Starosta / Getty Images

Locusts belong to a specific group of short-horned grasshoppers (Acrididae family) that have the ability to switch between a solitary and a swarming phase, known as gregarious behavior.

When environmental conditions trigger population surges, locusts behave differently from typical grasshoppers, forming large, coordinated groups that migrate over vast distances.


Not all grasshoppers develop gregarious characteristics, making this one of the most striking differences between the two insects.

Among the most well-known locust species are:

  • Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), infamous for its destructive swarms across Africa and the Middle East
  • Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), which spans multiple countries across Europe and Asia
  • Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera), a species that regularly threatens crops in Australia
  • Spur-throated locust (Austracris guttulosa), another locust species found in Australia, though less aggressive in its swarming behavior


Locust Behavior

Unlike most species of grasshoppers, locusts undergo physiological and behavioral changes when their populations increase. In their solitary phase, they resemble ordinary grasshoppers, living independently and showing little interaction with their peers.

However, when food becomes abundant and population density rises, they shift into their gregarious phase, where they:


  • Change color (often from green or brown to bright yellow or black patterns)
  • Become more active and social
  • Develop stronger wings for long-distance travel
  • Form massive swarms that can devastate crops and vegetation

What Are Grasshoppers?

Two-striped grasshopper
Two-striped grasshopper. marcophotos / Getty Images

Grasshoppers are a diverse group with many species spread across the globe. Unlike locusts, most grasshoppers do not swarm and instead remain solitary their entire lives.

They are primarily herbivorous, feeding on grasses and leaves and are crucial components of many ecosystems as prey for birds, reptiles and small mammals.


Some notable grasshopper species include:

  • Red-legged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum), a common species in North America
  • Differential grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis), another widespread species found in fields and meadows
  • Two-striped grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus), known for its distinctive striped pattern


Female Locusts vs. Female Grasshoppers

Locusts and grasshoppers reproduce similarly, with female locusts and female grasshoppers laying eggs in soil. However, due to the swarming nature of locusts, their reproductive cycles can accelerate dramatically.

When conditions are right, female locusts can lay multiple batches of eggs, leading to explosive population growth. Once these eggs hatch, the nymphs quickly mature and contribute to expanding swarms.


Key Physical Differences

While locusts and grasshoppers share a few physical traits, some differences exist.

  • Wings: Locusts in their gregarious phase develop stronger wings suited for long-distance migration, while most grasshoppers remain local to their habitat.
  • Coloration: Grasshoppers maintain more consistent coloration, whereas locusts change dramatically when they shift into their swarming phase.
  • Behavior: Grasshoppers remain solitary, whereas locusts can transition into a collective, migrating force.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.


