What Do Goats Eat? Not Avocados or Rhubarb!

By: Yara Simón  | 
When it comes to goats, hay is a dietary tentpole. JimSchemel / Getty Images

Goats are endlessly curious animals famous for their ability to eat just about anything — but don't be fooled. A goat's diet isn't just about munching on random objects; it requires careful balance to keep all the goats healthy and thriving. So, what do goats eat, really?

From pet goats to commercial herds of Boer goats, proper pasture management and nutrition play a crucial role in keeping these animals in top shape. A well-balanced diet includes a variety of forages, minerals and supplements to provide the right mix of energy and nutrients.


Hay and Forage: The Foundation of a Goat's Diet

Goats are natural foragers, which means they love browsing on different plants and grasses. Their diet includes high-quality forage like grass hay and orchard grass, which provide essential fiber for digestion.

While goats can graze on pasture, their diet requires careful management to ensure they avoid toxic plants, as these poisonous plants could harm them. Unlike some livestock, goats prefer browsing shrubs and weeds over grazing on short grasses.


Minerals and Supplements for Goats’ Health

To keep goats healthy, they need more than just hay and grass; they also require essential minerals. Providing free choice loose minerals ensures they get necessary nutrients like selenium. A good, loose mineral mix is vital for maintaining strong hooves, shiny coats and overall well-being.


Can Goats Eat All Fruits and Vegetables?

Goats love variety, and small amounts of fruits and vegetables can be a great supplement to their diet, but it's important to be mindful of what goats eat as some plants and foods are toxic to them. Avoid feeding goats avocado, rhubarb leaves and certain nightshade plants, as they can be harmful.

You can feed them citrus fruits in moderation, although some goats may not enjoy the sour taste. Other safe treats include apples, carrots and pumpkins, which add extra vitamins and fiber.


Balancing Nutrition for Different Types of Goats

Not all goats have the same dietary needs. Raised for meat, Boer goats require high-protein diets to support muscle growth, while dairy goats need extra calcium and energy to sustain milk production. Pet goats, on the other hand, benefit from a simple, balanced diet that keeps them active and healthy.

Feeding goats properly means understanding their unique nutritional needs and adjusting their diet accordingly. With proper pasture management, access to free choice loose minerals and high-quality forage like alfalfa hay and grass hay, goats can thrive in a variety of environments.


When goats are healthy and happy, they'll reward you with playful antics and, in some cases, delicious milk that you can also use to make goat milk soap.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.


