Snake Island Has Approximately 1 Snake per Square Meter

By: Yara Simón  | 
We're not exaggerating when we say there are thousands of snakes on Ilha da Queimada Grande. John Lund / Getty Images

Snake Island, also known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, is one of the most intriguing and dangerous places on Earth. Located off the coast of Brazil, this island is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world.

The isolation of the island, combined with its unique environment, has led to the evolution of a snake species that you can’t find anywhere else on the planet.


What makes Snake Island so fascinating — and terrifying — is the sheer number of snakes that call it home. With no natural predators to keep their population in check, these snakes have become the dominant species on the island, creating a place so hazardous that the Brazilian government has made it illegal for anyone to visit without special permission.

Where Is Snake Island?

Snake Island is about 90 miles (144.8 kilometers) off the coast of São Paulo, Brazil. The island is small, covering only about 110 acres (44.5 hectares), but it is infamous for being one of the deadliest places in the world, due to its high concentration of venomous snakes.

The island’s isolation from mainland Brazil has allowed its snake population to thrive without any natural predators. There is an estimated one snake per square meter (1 square meter = 10.8 square feet) on the island, making it a literal snake pit.


Home of the Golden Lancehead

The most famous snake on Snake Island is the golden lancehead (Bothrops insularis), a species of pit viper that only exists on the island. The golden lancehead is one of the most venomous snakes in the world, with a potent venom that can cause severe symptoms, including blood clots and hemorrhaging.

In addition to the golden lancehead, the island is home to other snake species, but none are as deadly or as numerous as the lanceheads.


This snake’s venom is incredibly potent and can cause death in a matter of hours if untreated. The golden lancehead’s venom is five times stronger than that of its mainland relatives and is specifically adapted for catching birds, which are its primary prey.

Is Snake Island Dangerous?

Yes, Snake Island is incredibly dangerous, due to the high concentration of venomous snakes.

The golden lancehead, which makes up the majority of the snake population, is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. A single bite can be fatal, and the sheer number of snakes on the island makes it almost impossible to avoid an encounter.


The island is so hazardous that the Brazilian navy strictly controls access to it, allowing only researchers and scientists with special permits to visit.

Why Is It Illegal to Visit Snake Island?

It is illegal to go to Snake Island primarily for safety reasons. The island is home to thousands of highly venomous golden lanceheads, and the risk of a deadly snake bite is extremely high.

Additionally, the golden lancehead is a critically endangered species, and the Brazilian government restricts access to protect the snakes from poaching and habitat destruction.


Does Anyone Live on Snake Island?

No one lives on Snake Island. The island remains uninhabited, due to the extreme danger the venomous snakes pose.

The only structure on the island is a lighthouse, which is not manually operated. Automated in the 1920s, the Brazilian navy occasionally visits to maintain the lighthouse. However, these visits are infrequent and under tight control. Researchers also occasionally visit but also under a lot of precaution.


The island’s isolation and the presence of one of the most venomous snake species in the world make it an inhospitable place for humans.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was edited and fact-checked by a HowStuffWorks editor.


