38 Colorful Birds You Didn't Know Exist

By: Ada Tseng  | 
colorful bird
The Nicobar pigeon is a far cry from the bird you'd normally see milling around Central Park. Zocha_K / Getty Images

The most colorful birds come in such dazzling hues that they are often the subject of artists and photographers.

Their vibrant feathers and shimmering wings serve many purposes, including attracting mates and blending into lush environments. Color patterns also often help birds identify members of their own species, and the color of their feathers can also influence how much heat a bird absorbs or reflects.


Here are 38 of the most colorful birds on the planet.

1. Lilac-Breasted Roller

Lilac-breasted roller
Lilac-breasted roller. suebg1 photography / Getty Images

Found in eastern and southern Africa, the lilac-breasted roller has blue-green feathers, a lilac chest and dark green wings. Its tail feathers are often blue or black.


2. Golden Pheasant

Golden pheasant
Golden pheasant. McDonald Wildlife Photography In / Getty Images

Native to China, the golden pheasant has bright yellow plumage, a fiery orange crest and shimmering golden back.


3. Splendid Fairywren

Splendid fairywren
Splendid fairywren. Robbie Goodall / Getty Images

A tiny jewel of northern and eastern Australia, the splendid fairywren (sometimes spelled as "splendid fairy wren") lives up to its name with vibrant blue feathers. Males turn their most brilliant shades during the breeding season.


4. Gouldian Finch

Gouldian finch
Gouldian finch. annhfhung / Getty Images

This bird looks like a living rainbow, displaying red, purple, green, yellow and blue colorful feathers. Native to northern Australia, this finch is highly sought after by bird enthusiasts.


5. Red-bearded Bee-eater

Red-bearded bee-eater
Red-bearded bee-eater. Whitworth Images / Getty Images

Known for its striking red throat and deep green body, the red-bearded bee-eater is found in Southeast Asia. Its iridescent green feathers shimmer under the sunlight.


6. Western Crowned Pigeon

Western crowned pigeon
Western crowned pigeon. Diego Grandi / Shutterstock

This large, regal bird from New Guinea sports an elaborate blue crest and soft pale brown or blueish-gray plumage. It also has an elegant, fan-like crown.


7. Andean Cock-of-the-rock

Andean cock-of-the-rock
Andean cock-of-the-rock. ©Juan Carlos Vindas / Getty Images

With a brilliant red-orange head and dark wings, this South American bird lives in the dense forests of the Andes.


8. Resplendent Quetzal

Resplendent quetzal
Resplendent quetzal. ©Juan Carlos Vindas / Getty Images

A sacred bird of Central America, the resplendent quetzal is the most famous of the quetzal species. It dazzles with emerald-green feathers and a shimmering red chest, and its long tail feathers create a dramatic effect in flight.


9. Wilson's Bird-of-paradise

Wilson’s bird-of-paradise
Wilson’s bird-of-paradise. Piotr Jankes Jankowski / Shutterstock

A mesmerizing resident of Indonesia, this bird features an electric blue head, a deep red body and swirling black and yellow tail feathers.


10. Mandarin Duck

Mandarin duck
Mandarin duck. Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond / Getty Images

One of the most colorful waterfowl, the Mandarin duck is native to East Asia and showcases a blend of bright blue, orange, purple and white feathers.

11. Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet macaws
Scarlet macaws. Jim Cumming / Getty Images

A South American icon, this intelligent and social bird stuns with its red body, blue feathers and yellow wing patches.

12. Blue Jay

Blue jay
Blue jay. Aline Bedard / Shutterstock

A common yet stunning bird, the blue jay has a bright blue head and black markings. Found in North America, it's known for its loud calls.

13. Common Kingfisher

Common kingfisher
Common kingfisher. Element allqulity Designe / Shutterstock

Sporting a brilliant mix of blue, orange and white colors, the common kingfisher is a small yet striking bird.

14. Painted Bunting

Painted bunting
Painted bunting. Jeff R Clow / Getty Images

Often called the most beautiful bird in North America, the painted bunting features a stunning mix of red, blue and green feathers.

15. Turquoise-browed Motmot

Turquoise-browed motmots
Turquoise-browed motmots. Wirestock Creators / Shutterstock

With its turquoise brow, long tail feathers and bright green and orange body, this Central American bird often perches motionless, swaying its tail like a pendulum.

16. Greater Bird-of-paradise

Greater bird-of-paradise
Greater bird-of-paradise. Wang LiQiang / Shutterstock

This Indonesian beauty boasts golden plumage, iridescent green feathers and a long, flowing tail.

17. Indian Peafowl

Indian peafowl
Indian peafowl. James Warwick / Getty Images

The Indian peacock's iridescent green feathers and massive tail make it a true spectacle. Note that "peafowl" encapsulates both males (peacocks) and females (peahens), and only the males display this exceptional coloring.

18. Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet tanager
Scarlet tanager. mlharing / Getty Images

A tropical songbird of North and South America, the scarlet tanager sports a fiery red body and deep black wings. Its striking contrast makes it a breathtaking sight.

19. Violet-backed Starling

Violet-backed starling
Violet-backed starling. Jukka Jantunen / Shutterstock

This African beauty boasts iridescent purple plumage on its back, contrasting with a white belly. Males shine brightest, especially under direct sunlight.

20. Bohemian Waxwing

Bohemian Waxwing
Bohemian Waxwing mauribo / Getty Images

A wintertime wonder, the Bohemian waxwing features soft gray and brown feathers with a hint of red on the wingtips. Its pale brown body gives way to striking yellow and black markings on the wings.

21. Sun Conure

Sun Conure
Sun Conure Buena Vista Images / Getty Images

A burst of orange, yellow and green, the sun conure is one of the most vibrant parrots from South America. Its bright yellow plumage makes it instantly recognizable.

22. Purple Gallinule

Purple Gallinule
Purple Gallinule. Michael J. Cohen, Photographer / Getty Images

With deep blue, green and violet tones, the purple gallinule is a marsh-dweller known for its striking color combination. It's often found in wetlands across the Americas.

23. Superb Starling

Superb Starling
Superb Starling. Avatarmin / Getty Images

True to its name, the superb starling dazzles with shimmering blue feathers and a fiery orange belly. Found in eastern Africa, this bird thrives in open woodlands and grasslands.

24. Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill
Roseate Spoonbill. Arthur Morris / Getty Images

A pink-plumed beauty, the roseate spoonbill looks like a flamingo's cousin but is actually in the same family as the ibis. It wades through wetlands across the Americas, searching for food with its spoon-shaped bill.

25. Crimson Sunbird

Crimson Sunbird
Crimson Sunbird. Andy_LYT / Getty Images

This tiny bird sports a bright red body with contrasting blue and green markings. Native to Asia, it's often called the "jewel of the forest."

26. Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Victoria Crowned Pigeon. Picture by Tambako the Jaguar / Getty Images

One of the largest pigeons in the world, this bird from New Guinea has a stunning blue crown and dark maroon body. Its deep coloration makes it stand out among other birds.

27. Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon
Nicobar pigeon. A.Töfke Cologne Germay / Getty Images

Draped in iridescent green feathers, the Nicobar pigeon is a dazzling relative of the extinct dodo. Its shimmering colors make it one of the most beautiful birds of Southeast Asia.

28. White-bellied Go-away-bird

White-bellied Go-away-bird
White-bellied go-away-bird. Delta Images / Getty Images/Image Source

Despite its unusual name, this African bird is admired for its striking contrast of white, black and green plumage. It's known for its loud call that sounds like it's telling intruders to go away.

29. Orange-bellied Leafbird

Orange-bellied Leafbird
Orange-bellied leafbird. zhouyousifang / Getty Images

This stunning songbird from Asia is adorned with bright green feathers, an orange belly and an eye-catching blue throat. It thrives in lush forests.

30. Blue Dacnis

Blue Dacnis
Blue dacnis. JC Patricio / Getty Images

With its electric blue head and contrasting black wings, the blue dacnis is a tiny and unforgettable sight. This tropical bird is found in South America's forests.

31. Flame Bowerbird

Flame bowerbird
Flame bowerbird. Riadi Pracipta66 / Shutterstock

The male flame bowerbird is a fiery explosion of yellow and red, resembling a living flame. Found in New Guinea, it builds intricate bowers to attract mates.

32. Crimson Rosella

Crimson Rosella
Crimson rosella. Byronsdad / Getty Images

This Australian parrot sports a brilliant red body and deep blue feathers on its wings and tail. Its bright contrast makes it a favorite among bird watchers.

33. Turaco

Turaco. Picture by Tambako the Jaguar / Getty Images

Native to Africa, turacos come in various shades, but their green and blue varieties stand out the most. In some species, their red wing markings become visible in flight.

34. Golden-headed Cisticola

Golden-headed Cisticola on plants
Golden-headed cisticola. Lea Scaddan / Getty Images

A tiny songbird with golden hues, this bird flits through grasslands in Australia, Africa and Asia. Its golden plumage glows in the sunlight.

35. Red Avadavat

Red Avadavat
Red avadavat. boonchai wedmakawand / Getty Images

This finch-like bird sports deep red feathers speckled with white, giving it a dazzling polka-dot effect. It's commonly found in South and Southeast Asia.

36. Spangled Cotinga

Spangled Cotinga
Spangled cotinga. Kimberly Whitaker / Getty Images

With bright turquoise feathers and a deep purple throat, the spangled cotinga is found in the Amazon rainforest. Its iridescent colors help it blend into dense foliage.

37. Orange-crowned Warbler

Orange-Crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned warbler. Hal Beral / Getty Images

Although subtle at first glance, this warbler found in North and Central America has a hidden orange patch on its crown that flashes in sunlight.

38. Red-billed Leiothrix

Red-billed Leiothrix on branch
Red-billed leiothrix. zahoor salmi / Getty Images

A stunning mix of yellow, green, red and blue, this small Asian bird often sings melodic song that adds to its charm.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

