There are more than 52,000 species of Crustaceans in the world which include popular marine animals like lobsters, crabs, shrimp, crayfish and barnacles. Smaller crustacean breathe through their bodies and larger ones breathe through gills.
Giant Jellyfish Grow up to 8 Feet Wide With 60-foot Tentacles
Does the Immortal Jellyfish Actually Live Forever?
8 Most Dangerous Jellyfish and 1 Stinging Imposter
No, the Leaf Sheep Sea Slug Is Not an AI Hallucination
An Ocean Quahog Shows Its Age Like Rings on a Tree
Geoduck Looks NSFW but Is Prized for Its Flavor
There Are 300 Types of Octopus Species, Some With Internal Shells
9 Largest Octopus Species Lurking in the Deep Blue Sea
The Dumbo Octopus Is a Deep Sea Ballerina
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Shrimp, in addition to being a tasty addition to many cuisines around the world, is sometimes used as an insult to call a person small or short. But did you know there are over 2,000 species of shrimp, and many shrimp actually grow to be quite large? The world's biggest shrimp is not what you'd typically call shrimpy in size.
By Ada Tseng
Both the European lobster and American lobster are crustaceans that people living in coastal regions love to eat, but left to their devices, the lobsters can survive many decades and grow to ridiculous sizes - particularly the American lobster, which is the largest arthropod species on Earth.
By Talon Homer
Known for their long legs, pincers and hard shells, most crustaceans are omnivorous scavengers, although some are predators or vegetarians. Either way, a steady diet can assist certain crab species in growing to incredible sizes.
By Marie Look
Cymothoa exigua will make you feel very glad you're not a fish.
The pistol shrimp is feared in the ocean for its ability to hit a prey with air bubbles that travel 82 feet per second, pop at 218 decibels and deliver 8,000 degrees Fahrenheit of heat.
By Katie Carman
These brightly colored crustaceans can smash aquarium glass or quickly cut through a human finger, so whatever you do, keep your distance.
Roly-poly bugs are natural soil conditioners because they process decomposing matter, helping keep your garden soil clean and healthy. And - fun fact - they're crustaceans, not insects.
By Jeremy Glass
The biggest land-dwelling arthropod can crack into everything from coconuts to carcasses, but they're also really vulnerable.
The first-ever deep-sea exploration of West Java seas netted more than 12,000 marine creatures, including some new species of crabs, prawns and lobsters.
By Oisin Curran
Scientists have discovered for the first time that animals pollinate flowers in the ocean.
By Alia Hoyt
A Massachusetts fisherman recently caught a blue lobster, which had us wondering how rare this crustacean really is.
Do you think much about the lobster before you crack it open and dip it in butter? These humble animals have some very odd habits. For one thing, they pee out of their faces.
Although no one can yet tell how old lobsters get, they show no apparent signs of aging. Learn why lobsters live so long and get so big, and what this means for other animals, including humans.