Hey there, dinosaur fans! Let’s talk about one of the most fascinating extinct animals of all time: Iguanodon! Discovered in the early 19th century, Iguanodon was one of the very first dinosaurs ever named, and it played a huge role in kicking off the field of paleontology. With its iguana tooth-like structures and unique anatomy, this medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur became an instant sensation for scientists and dinosaur lovers alike.
Iguanodon roamed the Earth during the Early Cretaceous, about 125 million years ago. Fossils of this wild creature have been found across Europe, Asia and North America, and they've provided paleontologists with some of the most complete skeletons of any dinosaur.
Whether walking on just their hind legs or dropping down to use all four, Iguanodon was a versatile dinosaur that knew how to get around!