General Cat Care Tips
Cat care tips can take some of the mystery out of various mishaps, illnesses and behavior issues that arise. Learn some general cat care tips.
How to Save a Choking Cat
How to Treat a Bleeding Cat
How to Treat a Cat That Has Been Sprayed by a Skunk
How to Administer Oral Medication to a Cat
How to Approach an Injured Cat
How to Restrain an Injured Cat
Scottish Straight Cat: Like a Scottish Fold With Upright Ears
The Minuet Cat Is Basically a Persian Munchkin (and We Love It)
What's the World Record for Largest Maine Coon Cat?
Learn More / Page 2
You may have heard that cats have nine lives. That might not be true, but your cat can have a long, healthy life with the proper care. Learn how to care for a cat.
By Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Is your cat turning your couch into confetti? Or your best carpet into a litter box? Maybe she's up on the table at mealtime. Learn how to solve cat behavior problems.
By Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Cats are among the most popular house pets, giving years of love and enjoyment to their owners. But they also require special care. Check out these simple cat-care tips.
Cats are known for having long whiskers. The whiskers are deeply rooted within the cats face. What purpose do they serve, though? Why do cats have whiskers and what are they used for? Find out the answer to this question in this article.
For a cat lover, even the most unremarkable cat is special, but these have been singled out for extra-noteworthy achievements. These cats made the news either because of their strange behavior, or physical traits. Learn about 9 top cats.