Early Triassic and Jurassic Dinosaurs
The Triassic and Early Jurassic periods were the time periods in which dinosaurs first appeared. Learn more about the Triassic and Early Jurassic dinosaurs, such as the Lufengosaurus, Massospondylus, and Scutellosaurus.
What Was the Most Dangerous Dinosaur in Prehistory?
What Was the Biggest Dinosaur? Here Are the 4 Best Estimates
Who Owns the Rights to a Dinosaur Skeleton?
Ceratosaurus: The Horned Lizard of the Jurassic Period
Meet Archaeopteryx, a Feathered Dino With Wings and Teeth
Stegosaurus: Body Like a Bus, Tiny Little Brain
Iguanodon Skeletons Are the Most Complete of Any Dinosaur
Utahraptor: The Salty Saga of a Killer Dinosaur
Nigersaurus: The 'Mesozoic Cow' With More Than 500 Teeth
Carcharodontosaurus Rivaled T. rex as a Shark-toothed Hunter
Kaprosuchus Was a Giant, Dinosaur-eating 'Boar Croc'
Quetzalcoatlus: The Largest Flying Creature in Earth's History
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Barapasaurus is named for a word meaning "big leg" in a local dialect in central India. This large dinosaur was a herbivore with large flat teeth that are ideal for cutting or crushing vegetation. What did this dinosaur look like?