
Dogs are called man's best friend for a reason. Learn all about dogs, from choosing a dog to solving dog behavior problems to giving dogs first aid.

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Have you ever wondered why some purebred dogs come with a price tag higher than an international flight?

By Yara Simón

Man's best buddy lives for 10 to 13 years, on average. But the longest-living dog more than doubled that time on Earth.

By Kimberly Olson

One of the most enjoyable steps of adopting a new dog is giving them a moniker that makes them a part of the family. The most common dog names are straightforward, two-syllable names that are easy for canines to recognize, with other trending dog names meandering into the silly or absurd.

By Mitch Ryan


When you think of the biggest dog in the world, you probably picture a massive, powerful creature — a dog that towers over its owners and may seem intimidating at first glance. However, despite their imposing size, many canine giants are known for their gentle nature, earning them the affectionate title of "gentle giants."

By Karina Ryan

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but some breeds tower above the rest, in both height and heart. These gentle giants have been companions, protectors and working partners to humans for centuries.

By Kimberly Olson

The calupoh is as fascinating as it is rare. Known as the Mexican wolfdog, the calupoh combines the mystique of the wolf with the loyalty and intelligence of domesticated dogs.

By Yara Simón

The sheer size of the Aksaray malaklisi turns heads. Colloquially known as the Turkish mastiff, this breed has roots in Turkey, where it is primarily a livestock guardian dog.

By Yara Simón


When identifying the most dangerous dog breeds, it's important to rely on numbers and statistics rather than stereotypes. All dogs can become aggressive if not trained or treated properly, but certain breeds tend to be more frequently involved in serious dog attacks and even human fatalities.

By Mitch Ryan

Size plays a role in the strongest dog bites out there, but so does the canine's morphology, aka snout shape.

By Sascha Bos

The smartest dog breeds are considered smart because they easily learn to be obedient to humans.

By Jesslyn Shields

Who doesn't love a dog you can carry in your pocket?

By Laurie L. Dove


As much as we love to spoil our furry little friends with treats from the table, dogs are not human and there are much better food options for them.

By Patty Rasmussen

Turnspit dogs were a distinct breed of working dogs in the late 15th-18th centuries. Their job was to run on a wheel designed to turn meat roasting over a fireplace spit. And they had to do it all day.

By Cristen Conger

It's never easy to lose a pet. But it's even harder when you have to make the decision when that time comes. Is there any way to make it easier?

By Laurie L. Dove

We have less time with our Great Danes than we do with our Yorkshire terriers - but why?

By Jesslyn Shields


A first-of-its-kind study out of Japan set to find out, and the results were surprising to everybody.

By Laurie L. Dove

Brushing your dog's teeth might be a bit unpleasant for both of you, but it will keep your furry friend healthier longer.

By Jesslyn Shields

Ugliness, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder. A 17-year-old dog with tumors and a sweet disposition won the annual contest.

By Patty Rasmussen

The energetic and friendly Swedish Vallhund was originally bred more than 1,000 years ago and was saved from extinction in 1942.

By Laurie L. Dove


Dogs lick humans for all types of reasons. But do they really lick us to tell us they love us?

By Sharise Cunningham

If you want to prevent a "whoopsie" litter of puppies but you're not quite ready to spay or neuter your dog, try a dog chastity belt. A no, we're not kidding.

By Allison Troutner

Wolves do it. So is howling just an inherited trait dogs have kept through the eons, or is there more to why our furry friends still vocalize in this manner?

By Stephanie Parker

Dog owners know: Their four-legged friends are stuck to them like Velcro. But why? Are they afraid of being left behind, or is it something else?

By John Donovan


Dogs and fireworks just don't mix. And in the United States, the Fourth of July is a dog's worst nightmare.

By Christine Calder

A new era of pet foods created in the lab, sustainably and with reduced environmental impact, is coming. But will pets - and their humans - like it?

By John Donovan