Dogs are called man's best friend for a reason. Learn all about dogs, from choosing a dog to solving dog behavior problems to giving dogs first aid.
Aksaray Malaklisi, aka Turkish Mastiff, Is for Dog Experts Only
Are Table Scraps Actually That Bad for Dogs?
Do You Really Need to Brush Your Dog's Teeth?
The Calupoh Makes for a Loving Canine Adventure Companion
Finding the Strongest Dog Bite in 10 Breeds
Is Your Pup One of the 10 Smartest Dog Breeds?
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People often hear if a dog's nose is dry, the dog is sick. If that's true, does a wet nose signal a healthy dog?
Ceramic and plastic bowls, especially, have been shown to breed E. coli, salmonella and even MRSA.
And the smellier the better. But nobody seems to be able to figure out why they do it.
Slipping your dog a little human food once in a while is fine, but be aware that some human foods are toxic to Fido.
Your dog might even 'trance' - and you have no earthly idea what he's doing. We assure you, he's not the only one.
Ancient American dogs were decimated when the Europeans arrived. But these pre-Columbian dogs did leave behind a lasting legacy.
By Mark Mancini
Since there seem to be no scientific studies one way or another on whether dogs know when we're photographing them, we have to rely on anecdotal evidence.
Bloodhounds, with their floppy skin and gangly ears, are the quintessential tracking dogs, and there's good reason.
Dogs are more than man's best friend. They've also helped out with the Cuban Missile Crisis, joined the Russian space program and discovered a rare archaeological find. And at least one was promoted to sergeant.
With so many dog foods on the market, how do we know what's best for our furry friends?
A study suggests your canine may be flashing those puppy dog eyes because it's trying to tell you something.
By Sarah Gleim
Let sleeping dogs lie? Maybe even in the same room, says a new study.
By Alia Hoyt
A study put dogs and wolves head to head in the intelligence department. Guess which species won?
Credit for the ubiquity of the name as shorthand for a generic, random dog goes to one of the most popular U.S. presidents.
Some pet owners are amazed when their dogs respond to 'W-A-L-K' the same way they respond to 'walk.' But are their pooches getting smarter or just responding to something else?
By Alia Hoyt
Think your dog would be willing to share his treats with other dogs? Studies show he probably would.
Huffing your puppy's feet for an aroma reminiscent of Fritos all comes down to the existence of certain microbes.
Veterinarians have a name for when a dog gets the call of the wild, often after a bath, and suddenly starts tearing through the house with an untamed glint in its eye.
Dogs suffering from the condition known as "limber tail" experience pain as their normally waggable appendages go limp.
Think you're an ace swimmer? These canines might be even better.
Pet stores provide scientific, anatomical names for dog chews, so why resort to euphemisms like "pizzle" and "bully stick"? Dogs have no shame - but we humans do.
If you live with a pooch, you know that dogs are insightful, intuitive creatures. But you may not realize just how insightful they can be.
Dogs may be humankind's best friend, but they're not always that reliable. Sure, they can detect hidden objects at the bottom of a lake, but they also tend to mistake their tails for prey. So can we really trust them to predict the weather?
The old rule of thumb of seven dog years per human year typically makes dogs seem older than they really are. No fear, there's a formula to estimate your dog's age the right way!
By Bambi Turner
Thanks to your pet greyhound's superior speed, trying to keep up with them on a run would be an exercise in futility. Surprisingly, these dogs are lazier than you think!
By Bambi Turner