Family Dogs
Family dogs are dogs that are great for kids of all ages. Find out which types of dogs will fit best in your home.
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A study put dogs and wolves head to head in the intelligence department. Guess which species won?
Credit for the ubiquity of the name as shorthand for a generic, random dog goes to one of the most popular U.S. presidents.
Some pet owners are amazed when their dogs respond to 'W-A-L-K' the same way they respond to 'walk.' But are their pooches getting smarter or just responding to something else?
By Alia Hoyt
Huffing your puppy's feet for an aroma reminiscent of Fritos all comes down to the existence of certain microbes.
Veterinarians have a name for when a dog gets the call of the wild, often after a bath, and suddenly starts tearing through the house with an untamed glint in its eye.
Dogs suffering from the condition known as "limber tail" experience pain as their normally waggable appendages go limp.
Think you're an ace swimmer? These canines might be even better.
If you live with a pooch, you know that dogs are insightful, intuitive creatures. But you may not realize just how insightful they can be.
Dogs may be humankind's best friend, but they're not always that reliable. Sure, they can detect hidden objects at the bottom of a lake, but they also tend to mistake their tails for prey. So can we really trust them to predict the weather?
Kids and dogs usually love each other and you can strengthen that love by having your kids make their pet some tasty treats. We've got some easy recipes.
Kids and dogs go together like, well, PB and J. Add these fun games in to the mix and everybody's happy.
Choosing the perfect dog for your family isn't as simple as picking the cutest dog you can find. Here are 10 things to keep in mind.
Can a dog that'll hunt also be a good family companion? We've got five that fit the bill.
Some older dogs may be set in their ways, which may not include being nice to kids. Here are some things to look for when considering an adult dog.
The benefits of fostering can far outweigh the sadness of saying goodbye, but you have to set some boundaries first.
Just because a breed of dog is categorized as "toy" doesn't mean it wants to be treated like a toy by your toddler. Are Maltese patient with children?
By Debra Ronca
If dogs are man's best friends, should they spend as much time indoors as humans do? Read on to learn when your pup should -- and should not -- be kept indoors.
A new pup can quickly become the family member you never knew you were missing. Before you rush out to buy chew toys, however, it's important to know what kind of pooch will mesh with your family!
By Alia Hoyt
Can you find a dog that is alert enough to be a guard dog but also gentle enough for children? Check out our list of 10 family guard dogs.
When most people see large dogs, they get out of the way fast. Some breeds, however, are gentle enough to fit right with the family -- especially the kids.
Not too big, not too small, a medium-sized dog might be a perfect addition to your family. We've got a list of the top 5 breeds to consider.
Dalmatians are highly energetic and protective. They need owners that will stay active, so couch potatoes need not apply.
By Sara Elliott
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? With clicker training, old and young pups alike will follow your commands, even if they've had behavior problems in the past.
As the expression goes, let sleeping dogs lie. But aren't you just a little curious about what's happening when your fast-asleep pup starts thrashing around and whimpering? Is your dog dreaming?
Animals are often credited with knowing when a thunderstorm is coming, but what about a physiological one? Can a dog warn you that you're about to have a seizure?
By Alia Hoyt