Pets make wonderful companions. Learn how to take care of pets, read about common pet behavior issues and injuries and pick up general pet care tips.
How Long Do Roosters Live?
6 Best Lizard Pets for Your Home
Lionhead Rabbits Have Great Hair, But Are They Great Pets?
10 Biggest Cat Breeds to (Lovingly) Shed All Over Your Home
Why Do Cats Purr? Happiness Isn't the Only Reason
Why Do Cats Knead?
Finding the Strongest Dog Bite in 10 Breeds
Is Your Pup One of the 10 Smartest Dog Breeds?
7 of the World's Smallest Dog Breeds
5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Betta Fish
How Did the Goldfish Become Everyone's First Pet?
How much can a goldfish remember?
10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets
Is It OK to Kiss Your Pets on the Mouth?
Adopting a Pet Can Be Hard; We Have 8 Tips to Make It Easier
Dogs Need to Wear Seat Belts, Too. Here's Why
When Car Sharing and Pets Converge
New Ruling Cracks Down on Emotional Support Animals on Planes
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What are some ways to patch up your scrappy kitties? Gets some tips for dealing with injuries large and small in this article.
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Fleas aren't the worst thing you can find hidden in your cat's fur -- ticks love to burrow into the warm-blooded bodies of cats, and they're much more dangerous. Get some helpful, hands-on tips in this article.
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
It's easy to forget sometimes that your cuddly little kitty is an animal who can get nasty parasites, like worms. Never fear -- with some information and help from your vet, your cat will soon be worm-free.
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
OK, we admit it: Chubby cats, like pudgy human babies, are pretty adorable. But all that charming extra weight doesn't bode well for your kitty's health. What can you do to get your "fluffy" feline friend back in shape?
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
How can you tell when your cat is under the weather (or seriously ill)? Get some tips for deciphering the clues that signal your cat is sick — and find out when it's time to consult the vet.
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Having some basic at-home health care skills can be a lifesaver for your cat. And an emergency is no time to start learning feline first aid. Learn home remedies for your cat.
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
You can breed Betta fish by following these simple steps. Learn about how to breed Betta fish in this article.
Cat hair everywhere? Welcome to the world of cat ownership. However, too much hair loss can signal a problem. So, why do cats lose their hair? Check out this article to get the scoop on hair loss in cats.
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Nobody likes to cough their brains out — not even cats. So, when you find yourself with a coughing kitty on your hands, what's the best thing to do?
Say what? Cats can get dandruff, too? Yep. But for them, those unsightly white flakes aren't a matter of vanity -- they're a potential health issue. What can you do to make your (flaky) feline friend feel more comfortable when dandruff strikes?
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Some issues, like diarrhea, can be pretty serious. Why do cats get diarrhea, and what you do to help them when they're suffering from this unpleasant condition?
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
Cats are susceptible to all sorts of ailments and issues, including ear mites. What exactly are these microscopic ear invaders? And what can you do about them?
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
It's easy to imagine a dog scratching frantically because he's got fleas, but cats are also susceptible to these nasty little critters. So, what's the best plan of action when your feline friends get infested?
By Shanna Freeman & Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley
You have just received a unique gift, a pet hermit crab, and now you must learn how to take care of it. Keep on reading and you will learn how to take care of a hermit crab.
You'd to know how to tell if your rabbit is pregnant. Find out here how to tell if your rabbit is pregnant.
You just caught a salamander in your backyard and would like to care for it as a pet. Here's how to care for a salamander.
Dogs get the hiccups just like humans do. Learn more about what makes dogs hiccup in this article.
There are many simple ways to care for your dog's dry skin. Learn how to care for your dog's dry skin from this article.
Pets are a great way to teach children responsibility and how to be aware of the needs of others. But different pets work better in different households. How do you know if your family needs a dog or a hermit crab?
Despite the long-lasting debate between dog loyalists and cat lovers over which species is best, there's no disputing the statistics that prove the cat is America's most popular pet. What makes the cat so popular?
As the expression goes, let sleeping dogs lie. But aren't you just a little curious about what's happening when your fast-asleep pup starts thrashing around and whimpering? Is your dog dreaming?
If you've ever placed catnip near a cat, you will notice that the plant causes the cat to react in an extremely unusual way. It will roll around and kick its legs. What is it in catnip that causes cats to have this reaction? Find out in this article.
Driving with your pet seems like a no brainer, right? You put your pet in the back seat, close the door and drive. While it seems simple enough, that's not always the case.
Public transportation can be convenient and cheap, but bringing a pet can make your trip cumbersome and costly. Luckily, many transport systems welcome pets.
Imagine your pet on the open road -- motoring down the freeway with the wind in its fur. Doesn't it make you want to strap Fido or Fluffy to the back of your Harley-Davidson?