Pets make wonderful companions. Learn how to take care of pets, read about common pet behavior issues and injuries and pick up general pet care tips.
9 Best Reptile Pets (When Cats and Dogs Aren't Your Vibe)
Pink Snake: Rare in the Wild, Relatively Common in Captivity
8 Best Pet Snakes for Beginners (Plus Care Tips)
Scottish Straight Cat: Like a Scottish Fold With Upright Ears
The Minuet Cat Is Basically a Persian Munchkin (and We Love It)
What's the World Record for Largest Maine Coon Cat?
The Calupoh Makes for a Loving Canine Adventure Companion
Aksaray Malaklisi, aka Turkish Mastiff, Is for Dog Experts Only
12 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds Based on Dog Bite Injury Rates
5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Betta Fish
How Did the Goldfish Become Everyone's First Pet?
How much can a goldfish remember?
10 Easiest Pets to Take Care Of
10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets
Is It OK to Kiss Your Pets on the Mouth?
Dogs Need to Wear Seat Belts, Too. Here's Why
When Car Sharing and Pets Converge
New Ruling Cracks Down on Emotional Support Animals on Planes
Learn More / Page 8
Cats are naturally curious and get into many places in the household. This means their chances of receiving a scratched eye or eye irritation are high. Learn to treat a cat with a scratched eye.
Cats love to perch on windowsills. Unfortunately, cats sometimes fall down. An important part of cat care is knowing how to treat a cat in this situation. Learn to treat a cat that has fallen.
Cats like the taste of fish, so they seem like a logical pair. But cats and fishhooks are a dangerous combination. Learn what to do when a fishhook is embedded in your cat.
When a cat is exposed to freezing temperatures for a long period of time, there is always the possibility of frostbite. Learn how to help a cat exposed to this serious condition.
Cats love to frolic outdoors, but sometimes nature can take its toll in the form of an insect sting. Learn more about what to do when a cat has been stung by an insect.
Cats are curious creatures, which can lead to accidental poisonings. It is your responsibility as a pet owner to keep all potentially toxic products out of reach. Learn to treat a poisoned cat.
Smoke and carbon monoxide inhalation are life-threatening situations for cats. It's important to know what to do if your cat is conscious or unconscious after both inhalation emergencies. Learn how to help your cat.
Cats need to be careful of contact with toads. The poison in a toad's saliva causes severe symptoms within minutes. Learn what to do when a cat is suffering from toad poisoning.
Most cats don't want onlookers during birth, but sometimes they need help. Some birthing problems include a kitten stuck in the birth canal or the mother not cleaning the cat after birth. Learn more.
Shock is an extremely serious and life-threatening condition for a cat. Shock is a reaction to heavy internal or external bleeding. Learn what to do when a cat is suffering from shock.
Cats are very playful in the outdoors. Unfortunately, skunks are one of the major carriers of rabies in North America. Learn what to do when a cat has been sprayed by a skunk.
When cats travel outdoors, they can run into snakes. Most snakes are nonpoisonous, but their bite still can be harmful to your cat. Learn what to do when a cat has suffered a snakebite.
If the cat is unconscious, it is important to check the vital signs. Is it breathing? Is the heart beating? How a cat owner responds immediately makes a difference. Learn to treat an unconscious cat.
Kids and dogs go together like, well, PB and J. Add these fun games in to the mix and everybody's happy.
Choosing the perfect dog for your family isn't as simple as picking the cutest dog you can find. Here are 10 things to keep in mind.
Can a dog that'll hunt also be a good family companion? We've got five that fit the bill.
Some older dogs may be set in their ways, which may not include being nice to kids. Here are some things to look for when considering an adult dog.
The benefits of fostering can far outweigh the sadness of saying goodbye, but you have to set some boundaries first.
Just because a breed of dog is categorized as "toy" doesn't mean it wants to be treated like a toy by your toddler. Are Maltese patient with children?
By Debra Ronca
If dogs are man's best friends, should they spend as much time indoors as humans do? Read on to learn when your pup should -- and should not -- be kept indoors.
A new pup can quickly become the family member you never knew you were missing. Before you rush out to buy chew toys, however, it's important to know what kind of pooch will mesh with your family!
By Alia Hoyt
You may have never thought of your cat as a role model, but caring for a pet can teach kids about responsibility in lots of ways. Here are five of our favorites.
Can you find a dog that is alert enough to be a guard dog but also gentle enough for children? Check out our list of 10 family guard dogs.
Want to get a cat for your family but need to make sure it will bond well with the kids? We've got 10 great breed suggestions for you.
By Sarah Alban
Your cat and kid both need exercise and entertainment -- help them help each other with our five favorite ways for kids and cats to play together.