Wild Animals
Whether they crawl, fly, swim, slither, walk, run or pounce, wild animals rely on their instincts. Read about all kinds of wild animals, mammals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians.
Golden Poison Dart Frog Eats Toxic Insects for Its Own Poison
Toad vs. Frog: Differences in Anatomy, Habitat and More
What's the Difference Between a Newt and Salamander?
A Redback Spider Bite Won't Kill You (if You Get Antivenom in Time)
Regal Jumping Spider: Tiny, Harmless, Maybe Even Cute
Spider Eggs and Egg Sacs and Spiderlings, Oh My!
The Albatross Soars Over Thousands of Miles of Open Ocean
The World's Most Dangerous Bird and 9 Runners-up
The 3 Types of Ducks Every Birdwatcher Should Know
The Frilled Shark Has a 3-Year Pregnancy Before Giving Birth
Barreleye Fish Aren't Something You Can See While Snorkeling
Deep-sea Dragonfish Use a Bioluminescent Lure to Entice Prey
Eland Looks Like a Muscular Cow With Thick, Twisted Horns
Sable Animal Fur Belongs on Sables, Not on Clothes
The Naked Mole Rat Exhibits Hive Behavior, Lives Up to 30 Years
9 Biggest Shrimp in the World (and1 Massive Imposter)
The Sea Cucumber Eats, Poops and Breathes Through a Cloaca
Does the Immortal Jellyfish Actually Live Forever?
The Thorny Devil Collects Drinking Water Without Moving
The Marine Iguana Is The World's Only Seafaring Lizard
A Giant Tortoise Lives in the 'Galápagos of the Indian Ocean'
Learn More / Page 6
In North America, green snakes (genus Opheodrys) are some of the most fascinating and vibrant reptiles you may come across. These slender, emerald-colored snakes can perfectly blend into their leafy surroundings, making them masters of camouflage in their natural habitats. A green snake can play a key role in controlling insect populations and maintaining a balanced ecosystem.
By Yara Simón
Adder snakes are some of the most fascinating and misunderstood reptiles in the world. Known for their distinctive patterns and venomous bites, adders belong to the viper family and are native to various parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.
By Marie Look
The northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon) is a common and widespread nonvenomous snake in North America. These aquatic snakes typically live in and around freshwater bodies — lakes, rivers and wetlands — where they play a crucial role in the ecosystem.
By Yara Simón
The sunbeam snake of the Xenopeltidae genus is one of the most visually stunning reptiles you’ll ever encounter. These snakes, native to Southeast Asia, are known for their dark pigmentation and highly iridescent scales that shimmer with rainbow colors in sunlight.
By Mitch Ryan
Snake Island, also known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, is one of the most intriguing and dangerous places on Earth. Located off the coast of Brazil, this island is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world.
By Yara Simón
The Congo snake, often shrouded in mystery and myth, has captured the imagination of people around the world, particularly with tales of a giant snake reportedly sighted by Belgian pilot Colonel Remy Van Lierde during a mission in the 1950s.
The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) roams across a vast range that stretches from the dense boreal forests of Western Europe to the rugged mountains of Central Asia. The largest of all the lynx species, it plays a crucial role as a top predator in its ecosystem.
By Yara Simón
The clouded leopard roams the dense forests of Southeast Asia, from the foothills of the Himalayas to the tropical rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. These elusive big cats have striking coat patterns and unique adaptations.
By Yara Simón
Often called the "ghosts of the mountains," the elusive snow leopard is one of the most mysterious big cats. Found in the rugged mountain ranges of Central Asia, these beautiful animals are perfectly adapted to their harsh, cold environments.
By Yara Simón
The cougar, also known as Puma concolor, is one of the most adaptable and widespread cat species in the Americas. You can find this elusive predator, commonly referred to as a mountain lion or puma, across a vast range that extends from the southern tip of South America to the wilds of Canada.
By Yara Simón
The lion, scientifically known as Panthera leo, is an awe-inspiring animal. These majestic big cats symbolize strength, courage, and royalty across various cultures. Primarily found in Africa and a small pocket in India, wild lions play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.
By Yara Simón
The black mamba, one of the world’s most feared snakes, can strike multiple times in rapid succession, delivering enough venom to kill multiple humans within minutes. This is just one of the many reasons snakes are among the most fascinating creatures on Earth.
Tigers, scientifically known as Panthera tigris, have striking orange coats, black stripes and piercing eyes. Like other big cats, tigers are at risk. Tiger populations occupy about 5 percent of their historical range, making conservation necessary.
By Yara Simón
Leopards, scientifically known as Panthera pardus, are some of the most adaptable big cats in the world. These sleek and powerful animals live in various habitats, from the savannas of Africa to the mountains of Central Asia.
By Yara Simón
Carpet snakes, also known as carpet pythons, are some of the most adaptable and widespread pythons in Australia and parts of New Guinea. These nonvenomous snakes are known for their beautiful patterns and impressive size — reaching an average length of up to 13 feet (roughly 4 meters). The carpet snake is a common sight in various habitats.
By Mitch Ryan
Exploring the vast waters of our planet reveals some of the most awe-inspiring (or terrifying!) giants of the aquatic world. From the immense depths of the ocean to sprawling lakes and winding rivers, the largest fish represent the most enormous extant species in their habitats.
By Karina Ryan
Insects are everywhere, from the deepest jungles to your backyard. They may even make some unwanted cameo appearances in your kitchen. Ideally, those bugs would be smaller and less intimidating than the world's largest insect - a supersized creature you'll have to see to believe.
By Mack Hayden
The Guinness World Record for the heaviest snake goes to the green anaconda, a massive creature that tips the scales at over 500 pounds - basically the snake equivalent of a grand piano. But when it comes to length, some ancient species stretch even longer than a school bus. These slithering giants are the ultimate combination of "long and strong."
Both the European lobster and American lobster are crustaceans that people living in coastal regions love to eat, but left to their devices, the lobsters can survive many decades and grow to ridiculous sizes - particularly the American lobster, which is the largest arthropod species on Earth.
By Talon Homer
The "most dangerous snake in the world" debate is entrenched in technicalities because there are so many species of dangerous snakes that have evolved with specialized weapons and deadly skills. These predators threaten small prey in the wild, as well as occasional unlucky humans who cross their paths.
By Mitch Ryan
Ever wondered what sharks might find in their waters besides fish? Turns out, some Brazilian sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon lalandii) have been swimming in some rather strange seas - ones laced with cocaine.
As land-dwelling humans, the ocean can be both fascinating and a little (or a lot) frightening. It's therefore not all that surprising that an appearance of the large, strange-looking oarfish might make people anxious, especially in our social-media addled age.
By Zach Taras
The life cycle of jellyfish can seem almost otherworldly. Some species are the closer to actual immortality than anything else we see in the animal kingdom!
By Mack Hayden
Animal names are a simple way to categorize the diverse species of the animal kingdom. Animals that start with "U" can be some of the most fascinating in our planet's elaborate biological patchwork.
By Mitch Ryan
For the past few years, orcas attacking boats have been making headlines, most recently off the coasts of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. These incidents, involving a group of orcas known as the Iberian orcas, have been occurring since 2020.