Marsupials are mammals that commonly bear a pouch such as kangaroos and koalas. Two-thirds of marsupial species are found in Australia.
This Is the Biggest Whale, by Length and by Weight
The Bowhead Whale Survives Icy Waters and Killer Whale Attacks
Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats? Experts Weigh In
The Largest Bat in the World Has a Wingspan Over 5 Feet
Baby Bats Babble With Moms, Hinting at Human Language Development
Fruit Bats Are the Best Pollinators (and Suppliers of Tequila)
The Biggest Bear Stands 5 Feet Tall on All Fours (Not Even on Its Hind Legs)
Why Grolar Bear Numbers Increase With Climate Change
The Most Dangerous Bear and 9 Others to Give a Wide Berth
Sable Animal Fur Belongs on Sables, Not on Clothes
The World's Most Dangerous Cat and 14 Other Fierce Felines
Is the Liger a Real Animal or Just a 'Napoleon Dynamite' Gag?
Eland Looks Like a Muscular Cow With Thick, Twisted Horns
The Mule Outperforms Both Its Horse Mom and Donkey Dad
Cape Buffalo Are Intensely Protective Herbivores
The Tarsier Is One Weird Primate, and Yes, We're Related
Marmosets Are Tiny, Upper Canopy-dwelling Monkeys
Why Do Gorillas Beat Their Chests?
The Largest Rodent Weighs 150 lbs and Eats Its Own Feces
The Naked Mole Rat Exhibits Hive Behavior, Lives Up to 30 Years
Squirrels Can Be Left- or Right-handed
What Is the Biggest Cat in the World? Top 9 Species in the Wild
Cheetah vs. Leopard: Can You Spot the Differences?
Bunny vs. Rabbit: Is There a Difference?
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It's small. It's cute. It's the happiest animal on Earth. The quokka earned the title of world's happiest animal because of its "smile."
By Yara Simón
If you're trying to keep opossums out of your trash, you may be asking yourself, "What do possums eat?" Unfortunately, the answer is just about everything.
By Yara Simón
Though it's true that joeys poop in their mother's pouch, also known as the marsupium, it's still a pretty cozy place to spend the first few months of life.
The boxing kangaroo as a symbol of the Australian fighting spirit dates back to the 1890s, but what's the truth? Do kangaroos actually box?
They look so cute and fluffy, but koalas have a fierce side too. Still, their biggest threat to survival is mankind.
By Alia Hoyt
These adorable marsupials look as sweet as their name. But what, exactly, are sugar gliders?
By Jamie Allen
Sure, opossums eat out of your trashcan, but they're also strange little superheroes.
Koala populations in Australia are in decline, in part due to the ravages of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection.
By Carrie Tatro
The Patagonian cavy is also called the Patagonian hare, has long legs similar to those of rabbits and hares. You can learn more about the Patagonian cavy at HowStuffWorks.
In this guide to the Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo, you'll learn cool facts about its habitat, unique behaviors and it's converstation status.
Tasmanian devils are scrappy little marsupials with jaws as strong as tigers'. But a deadly form of cancer is threatening to annihilate the species. Can the devils be saved before it's too late?
By Alia Hoyt & Cristen Conger
Perhaps just as puzzling as the Rubik's Cube (though not as colorful), the purpose of wombat scat's geometrical shape seems mysterious. So what's the scoop on wombat poop?
Marsupials are mammals that commonly bear a pouch such as kangaroos and koalas. Did you know that two thirds of marsupial species are found in Australia? Find out more by viewing this marsupial image gallery.
By Marie Bobel
Million-dollar endorsement deals or a sneaker named the Air Roo aren't in the cards for kangaroos. Since these animals can't play in any Final Four championships, why do they hop?
If you can get past a koala's pungent scent of urine and mating-musk, you might detect a faint hint of cough drops. Why do koalas smell like they'd clear out your sinuses?
By Julia Layton
Wallabies and kangaroos may look alike, but they're not identical marsupials. We'll tell you how to determine which is which.