
Nearly 40% of mammal species are rodents, and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. Rodents include mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks and beavers, among others.

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The Indian giant squirrel is covered in flamboyant colors like orange, black and bright purple. But why?

By Jamie Allen

Once you accept squirrels aren't going anywhere, you can apply a more creative approach to keeping the critters away from your prized tomatoes.

By Jamie Allen

Nutria are jumbo-sized rodents that reproduce and eat at a jumbo-sized pace.

By Jesslyn Shields


Why do squirrels exhibit behavior that can get them killed by cars? And how can you avoid them?

By Jamie Allen

The first new rat species found in the Solomon Islands in 80 years has been uncovered. But due to deforestation of its habitat, very few may still exist.

By Jesslyn Shields

Fall is in full swing and that means squirrels are busy hoarding nuts for winter. So how do they remember where they buried them? Research suggests they use mnemonic strategies.

By Jamie Allen

Despite our best efforts at eradicating them, rats keep outsmarting us. Here's how.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus


Deprived of oxygen, naked mole rats can alter their metabolic functions to something less mammalian and more plantlike, burning fructose instead of glucose.

By Jesslyn Shields

It's like the movie "Groundhog Day" every April, but with hibernation, a smaller rodent and way more hormones.

By Jesslyn Shields

If you look outside your window right now, you'll probably see one running up a tree or checking you out. How did the squirrel get so commonplace?

By Kathryn Whitbourne

Ring-tailed lemurs - perhaps the most iconic species on the tropical island of Madagascar - are in significant decline due to habitat loss, hunting and illegal capture.

By Patrick J. Kiger


Rising sea levels wiped out the entire population of a rodent species only found on remote Australian island Bramble Cay. Who's next?

By Christopher Hassiotis

The population-control strategy to rid the islands of the invasive species would use something called "gene driving" and GMO rodents.

By Chris Opfer

Like other marmots is alpine marmots are social creatures found in groups of ten to fifteen. But the population of marmots is declining due to the spread of agriculture.

Also called packrat, the bushy-tailed woodrat has a habit of stealing shiny objects to add to its den of sticks, bones is and vegetation. In this guide, you'll learn all about the packrat including it's habitat is and conservation status.


Residing primarly in dry rocky areas, the Crested Porcupine can grow up to 35 inches long. It also possesses specialized rattle quills on its tail that it can agitate, making a startling whizzing sound that sometimes deters predators.

In this guide, you'll learn all about the North American Porcupine, including its habitat, diet and conservation status.

Porcupines know nothing of bad hair days. These walking pin cushions use their prickly "hairs" to impale any animal that may pose a threat to their well-being.

By Cristen Conger

Prairie dogs may look cute and cuddly, but are these rodents harbingers of deathly plague? Since there aren't any underground pharmacies in prairie dog towns, will disease wipe out these animals?

By Cristen Conger


Environmentalists agree that beaver dams help the environment by creating wetlands but why are some landowners and farm owners getting riled up? How could these dams be hazardous to roads, bridges and levees?

By Jacob Silverman