Animal Facts

Learn about some of the strange and unusual facts and terms in the animal kingdom.

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What would happen if birds were released into space? Well, we don't know, but we think that birds in space would actually do quite well because their wings would help stabilize them as they float through space.

By Marshall Brain

Skunks pack a punch, so if you want to avoid being sprayed, it's best to stay away. Because of their small size, skunks have to use their pungent spray for self-defense purposes. See our list of 10 things to do if you've been skunked.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

You think cell phone users are loud? Some of these animals can be heard for miles. A blue whale can produce a 188 decibel sound that can be heard hundreds of miles away. See our list of 7 animals that can be heard for long distances.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Many animal species are designed with built-in protection in the form of their skin color. There are also some animals that have developed appendages that mimic the appearance of leaves and plant branches. Learn about 11 animals that use camouflage.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Officials at a nursing home in Rhode Island claim a cat named Oscar knows when patients are going to die. Can a cat predict death? What about animals that allegedly predict earthquakes or natural disasters? Learn whether your pet has a "sixth sense."

By Jacob Silverman

While humans try to create a variety of different types of light, some animals make their own. Find out what bioluminescence is and how these animals create light.

By Tracy V. Wilson

Search-and-rescue dogs are called upon to work after natural disasters, mass casualty events and other incidents to locate missing people. So how do they do their work?

By Julia Layton & Sarah Gleim


What is the biggest animal ever to exist on Earth? The largest animal that is currently living on the planet is the blue whale, but was it the largest animal to have ever existed in history? Find out the answer in this article.

By Zach Taras

What do tropical lizards and polar bears have in common? Camouflage - the ability to adapt their appearance to their environment. Learn how camouflage works, how it helps animals survive and what different types of camouflage look like.

By Tom Harris

Fish have the ability to move in any direction in the water. In fact, they have the ability to rise and sink while swimming through the water. What allows a fish to rise and sink? Find out the answer to this question in this article.

Mad cow disease is in the news again, with tests confirming the second case in the United States since December 2003. Learn how this brain disease affects livestock and people.

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.


Surprisingly, the gentle, loafing moose could be more threatening than a grizzly bear. Find out what you should do if that looming moose barrels at you like a bull.

By Cristen Conger & Kathryn Whitbourne