Animal Facts

Learn about some of the strange and unusual facts and terms in the animal kingdom.

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Just how big do animals come? Dive backward through time and the fossil record in search of the most colossal member of kingdom Animalia.

By Robert Lamb

Ever wonder why some birds end up following a mother of another species? It has a lot to do with who (or what) is around when they hatch. So maybe keep your distance the next time you spot a nest.

By Jane McGrath

Join HowStuffWork's Robert Lamb as he visits Zoo Atlanta's new Scaly Slimy Spectacular home for reptiles and amphibians.


Marine biologists have discovered a lot about the ocean's residents while you were busy dozing on the beach. We've dug up 10 of their coolest discoveries.

By Nicholas Gerbis

The pink hippo milk myth is the ultimate lesson for those who believe everything they read on the Web.

By Bambi Turner

Fancy yourself a modern-day Jonah? Keep in mind that this most famous of whale tales never scientifically considers if a whale has ever really swallowed someone alive.

By Bambi Turner

The elephant graveyard lends an air of romance and mystery to the mighty animal, but in reality, it's just a myth.

By Bambi Turner


Many humans are sure their pets understand a variety of commands – but what do the experts have to say? Read on to find out exactly how much animals grasp the English language.

By Bambi Turner

If you're plagued by rodents, the only sure way to catch them is to load a mousetrap with a large wedge of cheese, right? Wrong – to catch mice, think sweet!

By Bambi Turner

The dinos hog all the Cretaceous headlines. Do you have any idea what else scurried, hopped and otherwise cruised around Earth before the K-T mass extinction?

By John Perritano

Meet the pig: It can employ evasive maneuvers and play video games with joysticks, among other porcine talents. Kind of a whole different take on bacon, isn't it?

By Meisa Salaita


The world is full of cuddly koalas, loyal dogs and friendly dolphins. Or is it? Even positive animal stereotypes can be dangerous if they lead to humans making poor judgment calls.

By Beth Brindle

Ever been told you're as stubborn as a mule or blind as a bat? It might have been an unintended compliment. Many common sayings about animals are really off the mark.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Flying and being invisible are NOT the only superpowers. What if you could freeze yourself and then reanimate? What if you could survive space without any help from NASA like tardigrades can? Time to introduce a few new superpowers into your arsenal.

By Kate Kershner

The natural world boasts an incredible diversity of animals, some of which are so colorful and bizarre that they seem made-up. Meet 10 very creative creatures.

By Patrick J. Kiger


One bird parent flies for miles, dunks itself in water and returns the nest to let babies actually suck the water from its feathers. Another turns a blind eye to sibling shenanigans that can turn deadly. Can you name these animal parents?

By Kate Kershner

You might know that a cheetah can run 70 mph, but did you know that hens can change sex or that leeches have three sets of jaws? Here are 10 really strange animal facts.

By Julia Layton

These canines are more than just your average furry friends: They can mean a whole lifestyle change for some people.

By Tom Harris

One animal procrastinates. Another is famous for making out. Yet another might remember faces better than you do. Our nonhuman cohorts are capable of much more than instinct and action. Here are 10 captivating examples.

By Kate Kershner


What does it take to be a successful race horse? Learn about the best jockeys with this famous racehorse countdown.

Learn five things we bet you didn't know about fish!

By Mack Hayden

Do you love to fish but love the environment too? Check out these five tips for sustainable fishing!

Check out the top 10 most feared predators of the animal kingdom.

By Alia Hoyt


Animal have some amazing skills. Read on to see which animals have the most amazing skills.

By Marie Look

Humans aren't the only animals that can count, use logic, make tools or form lasting bonds with others. Meet 10 of the smartest creatures in the animal kingdom.

By Francisco Guzman & Austin Henderson