Scientifically-speaking there are 11 mammal groups, and most Mammals are warm-blooded, have body hair, give live birth and nurse their young with milk from mammary glands. Check out these articles about all kinds of mammals.
The Bowhead Whale Survives Icy Waters and Killer Whale Attacks
Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats? Experts Weigh In
Leopard Seals Are Apex Predators of the Antarctic
The Largest Bat in the World Has a Wingspan Over 5 Feet
Baby Bats Babble With Moms, Hinting at Human Language Development
Fruit Bats Are the Best Pollinators (and Suppliers of Tequila)
Why Grolar Bear Numbers Increase With Climate Change
The Most Dangerous Bear and 9 Others to Give a Wide Berth
Alaska's Kodiak Bear Is One of the Planet's Biggest
Sable Animal Fur Belongs on Sables, Not on Clothes
The World's Most Dangerous Cat and 14 Other Fierce Felines
Is the Liger a Real Animal or Just a 'Napoleon Dynamite' Gag?
Eland Looks Like a Muscular Cow With Thick, Twisted Horns
The Mule Outperforms Both Its Horse Mom and Donkey Dad
Cape Buffalo Are Intensely Protective Herbivores
The Happiest Animal on Earth Is the Quokka
What Do Possums Eat? Most Things, It Turns Out
What's It Like Inside a Kangaroo's Pouch?
The Tarsier Is One Weird Primate, and Yes, We're Related
Marmosets Are Tiny, Upper Canopy-dwelling Monkeys
Why Do Gorillas Beat Their Chests?
The Naked Mole Rat Exhibits Hive Behavior, Lives Up to 30 Years
Squirrels Can Be Left- or Right-handed
Rat vs. Mouse Identification: Which Is Eating Your Cheese?
What Is the Biggest Cat in the World? Top 9 Species in the Wild
Cheetah vs. Leopard: Can You Spot the Differences?
Bunny vs. Rabbit: Is There a Difference?
Learn More / Page 10
In this guide to mammals, you'll learn about the Gray Wolf, the largest canid in the world. Learn about the Gray Wolf's habitat, diet and conservation status.
In this guide, you'll learn all about the North American Porcupine, including its habitat, diet and conservation status.
The eastern gray squirrel's natural habitat is the hardwood oak, hickory is and walnut forests of eastern North America, where its numbers are controlled by resource availability and predators such as bobcats, owls is and foxes.
In this guide to the Giant Panda, you'll learn about the current threats and it's habitat.
In this guide to the Red Fox, you'll learn cool facts about its habitat, unique behaviors and it's converstation status.
In this guide to the American Bison, you'll learn cool facts about its habitat, unique behaviors and it's converstation status.
In this guide to the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, you'll learn cool facts about its habitat, unique behaviors and it's converstation status.
As with other tapirs, the short trunk of the Baird's tapir is composed of nose and upper lip. The tapir uses its trunk to pick up grasses, leaves is and fruit and carry them to the mouth.
The largest bat in the New World and the only species in its genus, Vampyrum spectrum was once thought to drink blood.
In this guide to the Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo, you'll learn cool facts about its habitat, unique behaviors and it's converstation status.
In this guide to the Kinkajou, you'll learn cool facts about its habitat, unique behaviors and it's converstation status.
What do bears do during the year? Check out this article to learn about behavior of bears from January to December.
The brown bear, the grizzly, and the Kodiak bear are all part of the brown bear species. Learn about the Brown Bear in this article.
Learn all about tigers with these HowStuffWorks Tiger Facts!
Thoroughbred horses aren't just pretty; they're the end result of centuries of breeding and record-keeping. Where did Thoroughbreds come from -- and why are so many so determined to keep them pure?
By Josh Clark
You want to track a bear, but don't know how to do it. Learn about how to track a bear in this article.
You'd like to learn how to ride a pony at a canter. Read here to find out about how to ride your pony at a canter.
You're friends have told you that it's not hard to learn how to gallop on a horse. Read here to learn how to gallop on a horse.
You'd like to trap the skunk in your backyard, without getting sprayed. Find out here how to trap a skunk without getting sprayed.
Check out these adorable pictures of baby bears and see if you can handle the cuteness!
Most jackals have the same nuclear family as the one portrayed in "Leave it to Beaver" -- a father, a mother and the kids. So do Mama and Papa jackal call a babysitter when they want date night?
We all know that the humps on a camel help it to survive in the harsh desert environment. What exactly is inside the hump of a camel? Does the hump store water? Find out the answer to these questions in this article from HowStuffWorks.
Humans have a peculiar knack for naming animals based on their doppelgangers instead of their biology. Sea horses aren't really horses is and koala bears aren't exactly bears. So what's the deal with mountain goats versus true goats?
Tasmanian devils are scrappy little marsupials with jaws as strong as tigers'. But a deadly form of cancer is threatening to annihilate the species. Can the devils be saved before it's too late?
By Alia Hoyt & Cristen Conger
A long, long time ago, lemurs lived all over the world. But something happened to kill them off - everywhere except in Madagascar. How did the island protect them from extinction?