Scientifically-speaking there are 11 mammal groups, and most Mammals are warm-blooded, have body hair, give live birth and nurse their young with milk from mammary glands. Check out these articles about all kinds of mammals.
The Bowhead Whale Survives Icy Waters and Killer Whale Attacks
Why Are Orcas Attacking Boats? Experts Weigh In
Leopard Seals Are Apex Predators of the Antarctic
The Largest Bat in the World Has a Wingspan Over 5 Feet
Baby Bats Babble With Moms, Hinting at Human Language Development
Fruit Bats Are the Best Pollinators (and Suppliers of Tequila)
Why Grolar Bear Numbers Increase With Climate Change
The Most Dangerous Bear and 9 Others to Give a Wide Berth
Alaska's Kodiak Bear Is One of the Planet's Biggest
Sable Animal Fur Belongs on Sables, Not on Clothes
The World's Most Dangerous Cat and 14 Other Fierce Felines
Is the Liger a Real Animal or Just a 'Napoleon Dynamite' Gag?
Eland Looks Like a Muscular Cow With Thick, Twisted Horns
The Mule Outperforms Both Its Horse Mom and Donkey Dad
Cape Buffalo Are Intensely Protective Herbivores
The Happiest Animal on Earth Is the Quokka
What Do Possums Eat? Most Things, It Turns Out
What's It Like Inside a Kangaroo's Pouch?
The Tarsier Is One Weird Primate, and Yes, We're Related
Marmosets Are Tiny, Upper Canopy-dwelling Monkeys
Why Do Gorillas Beat Their Chests?
The Naked Mole Rat Exhibits Hive Behavior, Lives Up to 30 Years
Squirrels Can Be Left- or Right-handed
Rat vs. Mouse Identification: Which Is Eating Your Cheese?
What Is the Biggest Cat in the World? Top 9 Species in the Wild
Cheetah vs. Leopard: Can You Spot the Differences?
Bunny vs. Rabbit: Is There a Difference?
Learn More / Page 11
Lions aren't known for their tendency to pass up a big, juicy steak. So if you're an African buffalo, how can you keep your hide intact?
By Tom Scheve
Ever heard that the grass is always greener on the other side? While we may think of it as a quaint proverb, wildebeests abide by it. In fact, their entire lives' purpose is dedicated to finding the greenest, freshest patch of grass.
Remember practicing the stop, drop and roll drill in school? If you were an armadillo, rolling up into a tight little ball would be second nature. But how do these armored creatures tuck every last square inch of themselves into a sphere? And why?
Whether you're sleeping on a water bed or napping during a rainstorm, water has a calming effect. Walruses also make use of soothing waves, but why don't they drown when catching submerged shut-eye?
Those of us who wear glasses will just stew in our own astigmatic juices if we're called "four eyes." Nearsighted rhinos, however, use their pointy horns for payback.
A hippo doesn't need to lumber to the local drug store and buy sunscreen; it can make its own. And the method is pretty ingenious.
Porcupines know nothing of bad hair days. These walking pin cushions use their prickly "hairs" to impale any animal that may pose a threat to their well-being.
If your home has termites and the exterminator is booked, you might want to send in an anteater or aardvark. Though both these animals love insects, they're two totally different species.
Perhaps just as puzzling as the Rubik's Cube (though not as colorful), the purpose of wombat scat's geometrical shape seems mysterious. So what's the scoop on wombat poop?
Ever since word spread about the seven deadly sins, sloths have been getting a bad rap. These sluggish tree-dwellers conserve energy by stopping to smell (and eat) the roses.
If you've been sprayed by a skunk, you probably ended up in a bathtub filled with tomato juice. But is there any truth to this treatment, or should we debunk the skunk?
As issues like drought make headlines, the topic of water conservation has become critical. Perhaps we should look to the camel for guidance as this desert-dweller saves every last drop.
If Mother Nature has a sense of humor, surely the platypus is one of her punch lines. This mammal might look funny, but one of its offensive adaptations is no laughing matter.
Storybook villains always seem to have warts. These unsightly growths may be indicators of wickedness in the fairy-tale world, but they're crucial features for some hogs living in the animal kingdom.
With their built-in masks and ability to snatch food, it seems raccoons were meant for a life of crime. But do these thieves wash away the evidence by rinsing food in water?
Mammals are a ubiquitous and diverse class of animals. Learn all about mammals, including hippopotamuses, killer whales, sugar gliders and more, by viewing this mammal image gallery.
By Marie Bobel
If the animal world were school, otters would be those kids who never leave the playground. Always begging for five more minutes of recess, otters take playtime very seriously.
Prairie dogs may look cute and cuddly, but are these rodents harbingers of deathly plague? Since there aren't any underground pharmacies in prairie dog towns, will disease wipe out these animals?
Besides our genetic similarities, gorillas also share our love of getting a good night's sleep -- except that their alarm clocks come in the form of dangerous predators and poachers.
If Bullwinkle had made the move up north, he would have felt right at home. Though moose in Alaska don't have squirrel sidekicks, they do take advantage of their urban surroundings.
Marsupials are mammals that commonly bear a pouch such as kangaroos and koalas. Did you know that two thirds of marsupial species are found in Australia? Find out more by viewing this marsupial image gallery.
By Marie Bobel
If you don't make it past that first "E" during your annual vision test, you might give bats a reprieve by calling yourself "blind as a manatee."
Orangutans might be the most low-key of the world's apes, but that doesn't mean they don't like to socialize. So are these redheads miscast as loners, or are orangutans introverts?
If you come across a cougar, you might scream in fear. So if this predator could easily devour you, why might it harmonize your screech with its own tone-deaf shriek?
Their genetic similarity to humans makes chimps great subjects for medical research. But some countries are banning this research because these apelike similarities are a little too close for comfort.