
Scientifically-speaking there are 11 mammal groups, and most Mammals are warm-blooded, have body hair, give live birth and nurse their young with milk from mammary glands. Check out these articles about all kinds of mammals.

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Contrary to popular belief, bats don't go around biting people and sucking blood. Bats got a bad reputation from the Dracula stories, but they actually prefer eating insects over blood. Find 13 incredible bat facts only at HowStuffWorks.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Bats are often found sleeping upside down during the day. They roost in secluded areas such as hollowed out trees and caves. Have you ever wondered why bats sleep upside down? Find out the answer to this question in this HowStuffWorks article.

Monkeys and apes have lots of similarities, but they're not the same animal. In a lot of ways, it all comes down to the tail.


Until now, no one has documented a definite case of chimpanzees using tools to hunt in the traditional sense. Find out what a new study on chimpanzees may reveal about human evolution.

By Julia Layton

Did you know you conserve energy every time you walk across a room? You do, in evolutionary terms at least. Find out how and why humans began walking upright and what this has to do with our body's energy use.

By Jacob Silverman

Cow flatulence produces the greenhouse gas methane, which is linked to global warming. Find out how scientists are working to reduce cow flatulence in livestock.

By Jacob Silverman

If you're wandering on the beach and happen upon a large mass of some sort of waxy substance, take a closer look. It could be the rare "floating gold" of the sea: ambergris. Find out whether this whale poop can help you retire rich.

By Julia Layton & Alia Hoyt


Despite their monumental proportions, the most phenomenal thing about whales isn't how big they are: It's the way they live. Whales are mammals -- warm-blooded, air-breathing creatures -- but they spend their entire life in the ocean. Find out about these awe-inspiring creatures.

By Tom Harris

Think you know what bats are all about? Chances are you're operating under at least a couple of misconceptions. Sort out the facts from the myths and see what makes bats so unique.

By Tom Harris

Do whales and dolphins sleep? I know they have to come to the surface of the water periodically to breathe, so wouldn't they die if they dozed off?

As much as human beings have encroached on wildlife over recent decades, there are still several species of big cats living wild in the U.S. today.

By Michelle Konstantinovsky


Wallabies and kangaroos may look alike, but they're not identical marsupials. We'll tell you how to determine which is which.

By Jennifer Horton

Never wish a jockey good luck by saying "break a leg." Horses with broken legs might face a grim future, but does that mean they must be euthanized?

By Alia Hoyt & Jessika Toothman

The bobcat and lynx may not be much larger than the house cat lounging on your couch, but these felines rely on specific adaptations to survive in the wild.

By Jennifer Horton