Pets make wonderful companions. Learn how to take care of pets, read about common pet behavior issues and injuries and pick up general pet care tips.
9 Best Reptile Pets (When Cats and Dogs Aren't Your Vibe)
Pink Snake: Rare in the Wild, Relatively Common in Captivity
8 Best Pet Snakes for Beginners (Plus Care Tips)
Scottish Straight Cat: Like a Scottish Fold With Upright Ears
The Minuet Cat Is Basically a Persian Munchkin (and We Love It)
What's the World Record for Largest Maine Coon Cat?
The Calupoh Makes for a Loving Canine Adventure Companion
Aksaray Malaklisi, aka Turkish Mastiff, Is for Dog Experts Only
12 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds Based on Dog Bite Injury Rates
5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Betta Fish
How Did the Goldfish Become Everyone's First Pet?
How much can a goldfish remember?
10 Easiest Pets to Take Care Of
10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets
Is It OK to Kiss Your Pets on the Mouth?
Dogs Need to Wear Seat Belts, Too. Here's Why
When Car Sharing and Pets Converge
New Ruling Cracks Down on Emotional Support Animals on Planes
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Did you know that the type of water in your aquarium can affect how the cardinal tetra looks? Learn how to make this dazzling fish feel and look its best.
The head and tail light tetra, also referred to as the beaconfish, races around the aquarium autobahn. Find a profile of the head and tail light tetra.
The x-ray tetra is an excellent freshwater fish for first-time fish owners. Read about and see a picture of the fast-swimming x-ray tetra.
How lost dogs and cats find their way home is a mystery. The pets listed here each traveled great distances and reunited with their owners hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away.
For a cat lover, even the most unremarkable cat is special, but these have been singled out for extra-noteworthy achievements. These cats made the news either because of their strange behavior, or physical traits. Learn about 9 top cats.
Take the legwork out of your pet search! Learn how got started, how shelters and rescue groups use it and how you can find a new member for your family on the site.
You just can't help it -- you love cats. Those cuddly balls of fur grow up to be independent-minded freethinkers, yet still know when you need a purr session. The problem is, you're one of the millions of people allergic to them. A hypoallergenic cat
By Josh Clark
Learn the history and ideas in common behind most methods of dog training, including one of the most popular methods today: Clicker training.
The relationship between people and dogs goes back at least 15,000 years. Have you ever wondered exactly how dogs evolved, and why they come in such a wide variety of shapes and sizes? Find out about our canine companions.