Wild Animals
Whether they crawl, fly, swim, slither, walk, run or pounce, wild animals rely on their instincts. Read about all kinds of wild animals, mammals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians.
Golden Poison Dart Frog Eats Toxic Insects for Its Own Poison
Toad vs. Frog: Differences in Anatomy, Habitat and More
What's the Difference Between a Newt and Salamander?
The Most Dangerous Insect (and 13 Others to Avoid)
The Most Dangerous Wasp and 9 Other Stingers to Avoid
The Tsetse Fly, Blood Meals and African Sleeping Sickness
The World's Most Dangerous Bird and 9 Runners-up
The 3 Types of Ducks Every Birdwatcher Should Know
10 Types of Owls: From Tiny Screech-owls to Great Horned Owls
13 Most Dangerous Fish, Eels and Sharks
The Stonefish Hides in Plain Sight and Packs a Painful Sting
The Pufferfish Really Isn't Happy to See You
Why Grolar Bear Numbers Increase With Climate Change
The Most Dangerous Bear and 9 Others to Give a Wide Berth
The World's Most Dangerous Cat and 14 Other Fierce Felines
20 of the Most Dangerous Sea Creatures in the Deep Blue
8 Most Dangerous Jellyfish and 1 Stinging Imposter
Freshwater Snails: Helpful Carriers of Harmful Parasites
Basilisk Lizard, aka 'Jesus Christ Lizard,' Walks on Water
A Galapagos Tortoise Weighs Almost 1,000 Pounds
The Green Iguana Can Grow up to 7 Feet Long
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Whether used in fashion or complicated mating rituals, peacock feathers drive the ladies crazy. But, what happens when a peacock loses his last feather? Will he become a fashion-don't?
The bobcat and lynx may not be much larger than the house cat lounging on your couch, but these felines rely on specific adaptations to survive in the wild.
As much as human beings have encroached on wildlife over recent decades, there are still several species of big cats living wild in the U.S. today.
As Hitchcock's 1963 horror classic "The Birds" taught us, it's a good idea to respect our avian friends. Before you accidentally let any bad luck take wing, peck away at these bird-related superstitions.
By Bambi Turner